The Foundation's End Poverty Innovation Challenge Lab (EPIC LAB) is focused on the development of technologically innovative franchisable social ventures that will create jobs for the poor to deliver affordable social impact for the poor.
By focusing on bottom-up market creation, we emphasize the importance of grassroots efforts and community involvement in driving social change and economic development. Providing jobs for unemployed youth, especially women, not only addresses their immediate economic needs but also empowers them to contribute positively to their communities.
V’ice Haiti is a “market creating” social venture demonstration owned by the SVF. V’ice Haiti is a showcase for how a social venture can provide a solution to a major poverty reduction challenge by providing jobs to deliver affordable social impact to those living in poverty.
V’ice took on the challenge of food insecurity which causes vitamin deficiency and poor immune systems, and developed a shaved ice cone with a vitaminized topping that is affordable to those making $1 to $3 a day.
V'ike A three-wheel innovative vechicle designed by the Foundation and engineered and built in Haiti to deliver V'ice
Two Haitian customers enjoying a V'ice cone.